In 2016, the Foundation launched this program and awarded the first of three grants. This program encouraged wastewater treatment plants in Illinois to take a holistic approach integrating energy efficiency, renewable self-generation and best practices. It helped demonstrate the energy potential of wastewater and feasibility of site net zero energy operations. The program also helped educate the public and professionals while it contributed to industry knowledge of operating net zero energy wastewater treatment plants.
- Check out the March 2021 issue of the Central & Midwest CHP Region Newsletter for current news on combined heat and power industries and events in the Midwest.
- Register here for webinars on Energy and Nutrient Optimization for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants presented by EPA Region 4, NC DEQ, and the Waste Reduction Partners. Access to past presentations is also available.
- The USDA is accepting applications for loans and grants to support water and wastewater treatment plant projects in rural areas. Click here for an application to learn more.
- The Illinois EPA Office of Energy, in partnership with ISTC and SEDAC, are offering no-cost energy assessments to municipalities looking to reduce energy consumption at their wastewater treatment plants. Click here to learn more.
- Click here for information on free Anaerobic Digestion Technical Assessments and educational assistance.
- Visit the Water Environmental Research Foundation page and search for “energy neutral”
- Energy from Wastewater
- Executive Summary: Energy neutrality for the domestic wastewater industry is within reach
- US DOE Sustainable Wastewater Infrastructure of the Future (SWIFT) Accelerator
- The Illinois Finance Authority provides financing to units of local government in Illinois for water infrastructure (wastewater treatment plants and public water supplies)
- IL EPA Wastewater/Stormwater and Drinking Water loan program, also called the Illinois Clean Water Initiative (CWI), provide low-interest loans through the State Revolving Loan Fund (SRF). The CWI includes the Water Pollution Control Loan Program (WPCLP) which funds both wastewater and stormwater projects.
- Ameren Illinois offers standard and custom program incentives for energy efficiency improvements involving electricity and natural gas conservation. Also available to customers who purchase electricity or gas from third party suppliers but use Ameren’s distribution system.
- Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiencies (DSIRE) provides a comprehensive source of information on incentives and polices that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States.
- ComEd has incentives available for aeration, pumping, anaerobic digestion, and more. Or receive a free energy assessment of your water/wastewater treatment plant.
- Funding for efficiency and renewable energy is available to members (and members’ retail customers) through the Illinois Municipal Electric Agency (IMEA) Electric Efficiency Program.
- The US DOE Midwest CHP TAP provides no-cost technical assistance to help you determine if CHP is worth a closer look for your facility. Contact Graeme Miller at 312-996-3711 or to begin your qualification screening.