Effective December 2024, the Illinois Clean Energy
Community Foundation Has Ceased Operations
Why was the decision made to end the operations of the Foundation?
The Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation (the Foundation) was never intended to operate in perpetuity. As the Foundation’s funds were spent down, the decision was made to cease operations by making a single, substantial final grant to an organization to create a Natural Areas Grant Program. This approach allowed the Foundation to have an ongoing positive impact on land conservation in Illinois for generations to come.
Why is such a large grant being awarded to one organization?
Today more than ever, we recognize that nature-based solutions are an important response to climate change. There are important climate, ecological and social benefits that result from protecting and restoring natural lands. Such efforts help support managing flooding issues, filtering water draining into rivers and other water bodies and providing a natural habitat for wildlife.
While energy programs of course help the environment, the number of people who benefit from individual energy projects is far less than those who can benefit from natural areas protection.
As the Foundation wound down its work, the Board of Trustees felt that the best way to utilize the remaining funds was to make one large grant to an organization that can continue one of the Foundation’s fundamental purposes – that of funding projects intended to preserve or enhance the natural habitats and wildlife areas of the State of Illinois.
Why was the decision made to fund conservation programs instead of energy efficiency programs?
Today, land conservation and nature-based solutions are a recognized cornerstone of environmental health. They are a positive solution not only for the environment, but also for people. This grant will provide a solid foundation as Prairie State Conservation Coalition takes up the mantle of helping preserve natural areas and wildlife habitat.
The founding directive of the Foundation was to fund energy efficiency and conservation programs. Throughout our 25 years, the majority of funds have been used to fund energy efficiency programs. Providing this grant for the ongoing purpose of preserving or enhancing natural habitats and wildlife areas in the State of Illinois continues to fulfill that mission and closes the gap between the amount that has been utilized for energy efficient and what has been utilized for conservation.
Why is so much money being given to one organization?
The Foundation Trustees believed that a single grant would be the most effective way to fulfill its mission, utilize the remaining funds of the Foundation and have the biggest impact on conservation efforts throughout Illinois
Why was Prairie State Conservation Coalition (PSCC) selected as the recipient of this grant?
Founded in 2005, Prairie State Conservation Coalition (PSCC) provides a statewide network of collaborative peer support and ongoing skill development for land conservation organizations in Illinois and serves as a collective voice for land conservation in the state. PSCC helps strengthen conservation organizations by providing them with educational tools and promoting the value of land conservation to Illinois communities. PSCC will use the funds from the Foundation to provide grants to eligible 501(c)3 organizations or local government bodies engaged in the preservation and enhancement of natural habitats and wildlife areas in Illinois. Over the years, PSCC members have been among the many recipients of Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation (the Foundation) Natural Areas grants. The Foundation Trustees felt that PSCC is especially well-suited to carry out our mission of preserving or enhancing natural habitats and wildlife areas in the State of Illinois.
What has been the Foundation’s impact on energy efficiency and the environment?
Founded in 1999 with a $225 million endowment, thanks to sound fiscal management, the Foundation has distributed approximately $323.2 million through 5,082 grants (exclusive of its final grant) to support projects that improved energy efficiency and preserved or enhanced natural habitat and wildlife areas throughout the State of Illinois. The Foundation is proud to have provided grants that have supported activities in 101 of the 102 counties in Illinois.
Among the Foundation’s successes, grants have funded 4,342 renewable energy and energy efficiency projects statewide and co-funded projects that protected more than 35,000 acres of natural areas and wildlife habitat in Illinois. Funds have been granted to schools, municipalities, local government agencies and nonprofit organizations in Illinois. The Foundation’s legacy will live on through land preserved for the health of the environment and for the enjoyment of generations to come.
Information updated as of December 2024.